Patients living with: Secondary Endolymphatic Hydrops (SEH)

Data highlights from the Invitae Patient Insights Network

Who are we?

Who Are We?

Patients: 13 Ages: 42 to >60

31% Male
69% Female

Impact on our lives

iImpact On Our Lives

Frequent doctor visits

33% 2 - 6 times a year
33% 7 - 11 times a year

Major episodes of care

been to the ER
78% been to the ER
been admitted to hospital
22% been admitted to hospital

A combination of treatments

image description
Prescription medication 60% Over-the-counter supplements, vitamins, herbs, remedies 20% Special diet/nutrition 20%

Getting diagnosed

Getting diagnosed

Initial symptoms

Initial Symptoms
  • Dizziness
  • Change in activity levels
  • Confusion

Average age at diagnosis

Average Age at Diagnosis
47 Year(s) old
28 58
Youngest AGE RANGE Oldest

Extensive testing

  • OtherOther
  • Physical examinationPhysical examination
  • Blood testsBlood tests
  • CT scanCT scan

Different types of tests

Different Types of Tests

Diagnosing specialty

  • Ears, Nose, Throat Surgeon
  • Neurology
  • Unsure

Patients everywhere are eager to help find better treatments

Better Treatments

92% want to be contacted about trials

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